
A Water Spring in Ajo, Ethiopia



A major highlight of this trip brought Bob Gross and Lee Jimison on a mission trip from Lakeside Church of Folsom, CA. Coordinating with Harvest Church of God, Ethiopia, local laborers, Seifu, Jim, and village leaders, they were able to develop and increase the flow of water from a local spring into a delivery system. This provided abundant water to four distribution sites, including the community and EAVO's kindergarten school. This would not have been possible for many years without this gift. Since the project came in under budget, Lakeside also funded window glass for the school. Frigid mountain winds (at 10,000 ft) blowing through the classrooms made learning difficult.


Thanks to the Missions Board at Lakeside Church for providing water to the community and the children!


Trees Delivered to Acheber, Ethiopia


East African Village Outreach (EAVO) in partnership with Ethiopian Tree Fund Foundation (ETFF) was able distribute thousands of indigenous tree seedlings and 2,400 grafted apple fruit trees to farmers in Acheber, Ethiopia. The following is an excerpt from the head of ETFF on the long and tiring event of the day: 

During the first trip, the event started at 4:00 AM (local time) and we finalized distributing the seedling around 6:00 PM. The chilly weather and the rainy day did not hinder the group from working, though the rain and mud made the loading and unloading of the plant materials somewhat difficult. Mr. Hailu's car broke down before reaching our destiny in Harbu Chulule, but his extraordinary energy and enthusiasm for the project kept the team alive. We all were packed in one car and continued our journey to Acheber. Though the trip was long and challenging, it was all worth the sacrifice.